Written by Katherine Brown Siebenaler
  • 2/17/2023
  • Read Time : 3 min.

What’s New In PTC Mathcad Prime 9?

ptc mathcad prime 9

Engineers need a place to perform calculations and solve complex problems with precision and transparency while capturing assumptions and decisions as part of their workflow. PTC Mathcad Prime is the leading solution for engineering calculations, enabling a wide range of engineering calculations while being intuitive and easy to use. 

PTC Mathcad Prime 9, released to all customers on March 14, 2023, delivers numerous productivity and functionality enhancements so users can accurately solve, analyze, document, and share all of their engineering calculations faster than ever. Read on to learn more about what’s new.

Math-Related Updates

Mathcad Prime 9 delivers on the power of the new symbolic engine, and valuable enhancements have also been made to the numeric engine to give users access to more mathematical operations and functionality than ever before, including: 

  • The Gradient Operator, which returns the gradient of a scalar function with respect to defined variables both numerically and symbolically.   
  • The addition of the pdesolve function in the Solve Block
  • Enablement of symbolic solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE). Users can now solve first-order ODEs and higher-order ODEs that can be reduced to first-order systems. 
  • Users can now symbolically solve a system of equations inside a Solve Block using the find Function. 
  • New Logarithmic Integral Functions and Elliptic Integral Functions 
  • Calculus Operators such as derivatives, limits, integrals, and summations used symbolically have been improved and cover expanded use cases. 
  • The functionality and use cases for several symbolic Keywords and Functions have been expanded upon. For example, users can use the assume Keyword to specify assumptions about a function’s result.

Usability/Productivity Enhancements

Mathcad Prime 9 also provides important capability and productivity enhancements rooted in customer input and feedback. These include:

  • Text Styles
  • Internal Links
  • Custom Color Picker 
  • Go-to Page
  • Current Page Tooltip
  • Math region to Text region conversion

Text Styles allow users to organize worksheets better without having to manually format content in each individual text region. Simply use the appropriate Text Styles to make changes swiftly throughout a document and create a consistent look or better visually organize a worksheet’s different sections.

Other notable improvements in Mathcad Prime 9 are the Internal Links, Go-to Page, and Current Page Tooltip features. These make it easier to navigate through lengthy documents. Internal Links have the added benefit of letting users connect notes and calculations across the worksheet for effective referencing. Additionally, all color selection menus are enhanced to include a custom color picker, so users can highlight sections of a document or make certain equations or plots stand out in a desired color. This makes it easy to focus on the most important information in a worksheet.

Finally, Mathcad Prime 9 now allows users to press the spacebar when typing a new region to convert it from the default math region to a textbox, which allows them to bypass manually clicking on a text box to input text into a worksheet.

Learn More

These are just the major updates coming in PTC Mathcad Prime 9. Learn more about each and get your questions answered in the upcoming What’s New in Mathcad Prime 9 Webinar.

Webinar: What's New In PTC Mathcad Prime 9

Register now for more insights, discussion, demos, and Q&A.


About the Author

Katherine Brown-Siebenaler is the Marketing Content Manager for PTC's CAD team. Based in Austin, TX, Katherine is responsible for editing the Creo and Mathcad blogs. She has six years' experience as a content creator for various corporate marketing teams, primarily in SaaS environments. Katherine holds two degrees from the University of Florida, a BS in Journalism and an MA in Mass Communication. She enjoys learning how PTC customers bring software to life in real-world applications every day, leading innovation in their various industries.

What’s New In PTC Mathcad Prime 9?
Learn the new productivity and functionality enhancements in PTC Mathcad Prime 9.